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Declaring bases

tex2html_wrap_inline33790 tex2html_wrap_inline33790 Syntax

  1. BD>base : B0=B1,B2, ... tex2html_wrap_inline33712

  2. BD>base : B0=B1,B2 tex2html_wrap_inline34532 , ... tex2html_wrap_inline33712

where B0 is the name of the base being defined, and tex2html_wrap_inline34722 are the names of elements and bases.

tex2html_wrap_inline33806 tex2html_wrap_inline33806

The BASE:  command is used to define a base, being a collection of elements (and possibly data carriers). The definition part consists of the names of the elements and data carriers to form the base. If the names of any pre-existing bases are included in the definition part, their constituents are included in the new base B0. If the base being defined in the naming part also appears in the definition part, all the elements included in the former definition are also included in the new definition. Unrecognised quantities are allowed in the RHS of the definition. This allows semi-recursive base creation, as in

BD>base : B1=B1,B2 tex2html_wrap_inline33712

where B1 does not exist a priori.

The second form of the syntax is used to exclude consituents of the base constructed so far. See §6.2.3.

David Wooff
Wed Oct 21 15:14:31 BST 1998