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Displaying the results of an adjustment interactively

All of the results of an adjustment can be viewed as the adjustment takes places, or at a later date. To view a particular result as the adjustment takes place, the relevant output option must be set by using the OPTION:  command described in chapter 19. The possible output options are described in §19.3. As an example, suppose that we are about to adjust the collection B by D, and that we wish to view the observed adjusted expectations and the adjusted variances as they are calculated. To achieve this, we issue the command

BD>option : v+ ,a+  tex2html_wrap_inline33712

prior to issuing the ADJUST:  command. These options remain in force until switched off, so you will see similar results for every subsequent adjustment. The influence  option is used to display influence diagrams in a separate graphics window. The pathsum  option should be used separately to the other text output options. It displays information which is intended to accumulate meaningfully over many adjustments. This information tends to become lost if other output options are selected, and so selection of the pathsum  option switches off any competing options, and vice-versa.

David Wooff
Wed Oct 21 15:14:31 BST 1998