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Coherence and data consistency

The prior variances supplied, together with any observations over D, must be coherent. The COHERENCE:  command can be used to perform coherence checking for variance matrices to be used in an adjustment. Otherwise, whenever an adjustment is calculated, [B/D] checks for the coherence of the variance specifications required for any analysis, and also checks that the data, if any, are consistent with the variance matrix specified over D, in the following context.

Suppose that the data quantities tex2html_wrap_inline35840 for an adjustment are observed to be tex2html_wrap_inline36242 . These data are inconsistent with the beliefs specified beforehand if, for any linear combination tex2html_wrap_inline36774 , we have tex2html_wrap_inline36776 and tex2html_wrap_inline36778 (that is, we observed a change in a quantity whose value we believed we knew with certainty). The datawarn  and datawarn+  options are used to set the level of detail output when data inconsistency is detected, and the datawarn  control can be set to warn about data inconsistency, rather than flagging it as an error. When flagged as an error, the default, the calculation of the adjustment fails. Otherwise, the adjustment proceeds as normal but of course the status of the results involving the data will be unclear.

David Wooff
Wed Oct 21 15:14:31 BST 1998