14:00 MCS2068 ProbJulien Berestycki (Oxford, UK): TBA
Venue: MCS2068
14:00 MCS2068 APDELukas Schimmer (University of Loughborough): Calogero Type Bounds in Two Dimensions
In this talk, I will consider Schroedinger operators on the plane. In the presence of an AharonovBohm magnetic field, I will establish an upper bound on the number of negative eigenvalues analogous to the CwikelLiebRozenblum inequality. Similar to Calogeros bound in one dimension, the result is true under monotonicity assumptions on the potential. This is joint work with A. Laptev and L. Read.
Venue: MCS2068
Click on title to see abstract.
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These events are hosted in and/or organised by members of the Department (follow links for details):
Apr 14--15 [MCS2068] Spectral Theory Workshop
Venue: MCS2068 at/from 10:00
Link: here
Click on series to expand.
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Usual Venue: zoom
Contact: arthur.lipstein@durham.ac.uk
No upcoming seminars have been scheduled (not unusual outside term time).
Usual Venue: MCS3070
Contact: sabine.boegli@durham.ac.uk
Jan 14 14:00 Lukas Schimmer (University of Loughborough): Calogero Type Bounds in Two Dimensions
In this talk, I will consider Schroedinger operators on the plane. In the presence of an AharonovBohm magnetic field, I will establish an upper bound on the number of negative eigenvalues analogous to the CwikelLiebRozenblum inequality. Similar to Calogeros bound in one dimension, the result is true under monotonicity assumptions on the potential. This is joint work with A. Laptev and L. Read.
Venue: MCS2068
Usual Venue: MCS2068
Contact: andrew.krause@durham.ac.uk
No upcoming seminars have been scheduled (not unusual outside term time).
Usual Venue: MCS2068
Contact: herbert.gangl@durham.ac.uk
Feb 11 13:00 Victor Wang (Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), Vienna):
Venue: MCS2068
Feb 25 13:00 Haluk Sengun (University of Sheffield):
Venue: MCS2068
Mar 18 13:00 Kalyani Kansal (Imperial College):
Venue: MCS2068
Usual Venue: OC218
Contact: mohamed.anber@durham.ac.uk
For more information, see HERE.
No upcoming seminars have been scheduled (not unusual outside term time).
Usual Venue: MCS0001
Contact: inaki.garcia-etxebarria@durham.ac.uk,sunil.chhita@durham.ac.uk
No upcoming seminars have been scheduled (not unusual outside term time).
Usual Venue: MCS0001
Contact: sabine.boegli@durham.ac.uk,alpar.r.meszaros@durham.ac.uk
No upcoming seminars have been scheduled (not unusual outside term time).
Usual Venue: MCS3052
Contact: andrew.krause@durham.ac.uk
No upcoming seminars have been scheduled (not unusual outside term time).
Usual Venue: MCS3070
Contact: gabriel.fuhrmann@durham.ac.uk
No upcoming seminars have been scheduled (not unusual outside term time).
Usual Venue: MCS3070
Contact: daniel.n.disney@durham.ac.uk
No upcoming seminars have been scheduled (not unusual outside term time).
Usual Venue: MCS2068
Contact: martin.p.kerin@durham.ac.uk
Jan 16 14:00 Patrick Wood (Durham): Optimal Transport on the sub-Lorentzian Heisenberg Group
Venue: MCS2068
Jan 23 14:00 Mohammad Al Attar (Durham):
Venue: MCS2068
Jan 30 14:00 Ana García Lecuona (Glasgow): TBA
Venue: MCS2068
Feb 06 14:00 Anna Felikson (Durham): Hyperbolic geometry of friezes
Venue: MCS2068
Feb 13 14:00 JeongHyeong Park (Sungkyunkwan University): TBA
Venue: MCS2068
Feb 20 14:00 Anna Pratoussevitch (Liverpool): TBD
Venue: MCS2068
Feb 27 14:00 Sebastian Chenery (Bristol): Gyration Stability for Projective Planes
Venue: MCS2068
Mar 13 14:00 Macarena Arenas (Cambridge): TBD
Venue: MCS2068
Jun 12 14:00 Ilka Agricola (Marburg): TBD
Venue: MCS2068
Usual Venue: MCS3070
Contact: andrea.grigoletto@durham.ac.uk,nakarin.lohitsiri@durham.ac.uk
No upcoming seminars have been scheduled (not unusual outside term time).
Usual Venue: MCS0001
Contact: silvia.nagy@durham.ac.uk,enrico.andriolo@durham.ac.uk,tobias.p.hansen@durham.ac.uk
No upcoming seminars have been scheduled (not unusual outside term time).
Usual Venue: MCS2068
Contact: kohei.suzuki@durham.ac.uk
Jan 13 14:00 Julien Berestycki (Oxford, UK): TBA
Venue: MCS2068
Jan 20 14:00 Chris Dean (Warwick, UK): TBA
Venue: MCS2068
Jan 27 14:00 Rui Bai (Durham, UK): TBA
Venue: MCS2068
Feb 03 14:00 Robin Stephenson (Sheffield, UK): TBA
Venue: MCS2068
Feb 10 14:00 Andreas Koller (Warwick, UK): TBA
Venue: MCS2068
Mar 03 14:00 Sarah Penington (Bath, UK): TBA
Venue: MCS2068
Mar 10 14:00 Isao Suezedde (Warwick, UK): TBA
Venue: MCS2068
Usual Venue: MCS0001
Contact: raphael.zentner@durham.ac.uk
Jan 20 13:00 Gabriel Fuhrmann (Durham University): TBA
Venue: MCS0001
Mar 10 13:00 Karen Vogtmann (University of Warwick): TBA
Venue: MCS0001
Mar 17 13:00 Andras Juhasz (University of Oxford): TBA
Venue: MCS0001
Usual Venue: MCS3070
Contact: irving.d.calderon-camacho@durham.ac.uk,joe.thomas@durham.ac.uk
No upcoming seminars have been scheduled (not unusual outside term time).
Usual Venue: MCS2068
Contact: hyeyoung.maeng@durham.ac.uk,andrew.iskauskas@durham.ac.uk
No upcoming seminars have been scheduled (not unusual outside term time).
Contact: adam.stone2@durham.ac.uk
No upcoming seminars have been scheduled (not unusual outside term time).